Accidental blow on face can lead to many problems. Facial bone as well as jawbone is not really strong to bear with major accidental blows. Apart from damages to bones, teeth can also be damaged. Due to hard blow, a few teeth can be uprooted. If in adulthood you lose teeth, you have no chance to get teeth back in natural process. Not just accidents, adults may lose teeth due to rapid tooth decay, lack of calcium in body, improper maintenance of teeth, gum infection and many more. Now, the question is what should you do to resolve missing teeth issue? Burnaby Heights Dental Centre offers the best solution to deal with missing teeth problem and the solution is dental implant. All you need to do is to get in touch with professional and certified dentist Burnaby BC.
What is Dental Implant?
Dental implant has been regarded as an oral surgery, where a groove is created on the missing teeth area so that an artificial tooth can be placed at that area. This artificial tooth is similar to the natural tooth, as you can chew foods and brush your teeth without being worried about the artificial tooth. Once placed, the implanted tooth can last for the lifetime. The tooth comes with metallic root which is like a screw. The upper part or crown has been designed with ceramic or porcelain. It looks identical to a natural tooth.
Who Is the Ideal Patient?
Though you have missing tooth issue, you may not be the ideal patient for dental implant. Since it is a surgery, medical checkups are required. People beyond 60 years age are generally advised to avoid this surgery by professional dentist Burnaby. After complete medical checkup, dentist V5C2J9 will decide whether you can undergo this treatment or not.
Procedure of Dental Implant
The procedure of dental implant starts by creating groove at jawbone. Once that is done, root of the artificial tooth is implanted on that groove. Thereafter, the crown is attached to the root. This is the complete procedure of dental implant. You can find dentist near me to undergo such surgery. At Burnaby Heights Dental Centre, you can get the safest dental implant treatment.